Monday, July 10, 2017


Hello, I would like to introduce myself and explain why I have decided to call my blog, Numbed.

My name is Linnea and I have 11 other siblings. I live in a small quaint home that almost feels like a cottage from the outside and a piece of history on the inside. My mom and dad are both wonderful parents that work to keep us out of trouble. I have been homeschooled all my life, and am now in my third year of college. I am working toward my AA right now to transfer, and will be getting my bachelors degree in special education. I am a proud and loud Christian with a heart for missions and reaching those who want to know Christ on a deeper level. I am still growing in my faith, and I am trying harder to share my love of Christ with others. Even though I am not a pastor and I feel too young. I cannot answer all questions that you might have, but I am willing to try.

As for my blog, I call it "Numbed" for the purpose of my writings on here. I am searching through the bible for answers on how we are to act in today's society as Christians. I will be talking about how society has made Christians, like me and you, become numb to what is considered wrong in God's eyes. In this study I hope to find the answer to what is a Christian life supposed to look like? How are we to act in this world? and what does God want us to do to change how our society views Christianity?  I hope you enjoy my discoveries, and my thoughts. Please feel free to ask questions, I am open to criticism and other thoughts.

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