Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Numbed Introduction

God has made it clear in his word that we are to separate ourselves from the worldview. Being a part of the world by sharing God's word with others, but not being of the world by allowing ourselves to fall into the sins our society encourages. This has always been a hard thing for Christians to do mainly because they feel that they cannot have fun as a Jesus follower.

God does not wish us to give up on having a good time, rather he wants us to define what a good time looks like as a Christian.

Is getting drunk and partying all night fun? Maybe for that night. But if you really think about it, you are usually sick the next day from all the alcohol you drank and will have to spend the rest of the day cleaning up the mess you made the night before. Often times you regret even thinking about having a party in the first place.

Eventually, though, you find yourself going numb to what was thought to be a sinful thing at first, is now something you do almost everyday. Soon, it no longer bothers you as wrong, and began to actually enjoy it.

The things that society offers us are often not the things that God wishes us to love. We become numb to the thought of those things being wrong and begin to allow ourselves to slip into society beyond God's plan. Allowing ourselves to break from the chosen path.

In this Bible study we will discuss the ways that society is taking over our body. We will start by talking about our walk with God and go through our entire bodies finding for ourselves what exactly is God's plan for our lives.

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